Available for public use, you may register for an account and use it to share files and images up to a maximum file size of 27.65MB. Be aware that this service is hosted in Dallas, Texas and not Australia, where the server is located.
Don't forget to spread Illidans Server by voting for us every 24 hours! As the only 3.0.3 server left in existence, let us all form a great community that will rival the Blizzlike, Funserver and High-Rate servers and add to that group. It can be done but only if you vote for us.
You've voted for us at Xtremetop100 and now you can vote for us at WoW Vendetta! Voting brings in more players and the greater chance of a philanthropic soul to contribute to our server and help keep us alive. Vote for us and bring in more players to the best and largest 3.0.3 server community in existence!
Gtop is the future of voting for all game server communities seeking new members for their community. Actually, Gtop is another voting site that receives its fair share in hits. Expose us to the top 100 on Gtop and help us bring in more players!